Thursday, February 10, 2011

The not-delayed weigh-in.

I was going to put my weigh-in off for a week, because the last week hasn't been so great. I didn't deny my hormonally-induced cravings like I should have, then I was sick, then I was feeling sorry for myself, and then last night my friends and I finally went to a restaurant we'd been talking about going to for a year. So basically I made bad choices for the last week, and I was going to give myself a week to at least take of the retained water weight. Then I decided it would be better to stick to the monthly date no matter what.

So, as of this morning I'm at 259 pounds from a starting point of 275.


Jacqui said...

That is amazing! Wow.. 16 pounds! I know you had a rough week.. but get back onboard! you can do this.

Crys said...

When you're accountable to your decisions, you know you're on the right path! I hope you see the incredible victory in getting on the scale and facing the number, in spite of not loving your choices. That's huge. For me, the behavior modifications I see along the way are just as important and more encouraging as the number on the scale.

FattyMcFatPants said...

Thanks Jacqui!

Crys, I see your point but I didn't really feel any sense of victory in it. I mostly just have a very slight OCD and wanted to stick to the 10th of the month! :)