Monday, February 28, 2011

Motivation and lack thereof.

I did alright today, despite the little voice in my head whispering about the delicious things I could order at work, and how one more day wouldn't hurt, and didn't I want to try that new pasta dish? It was a little difficult to push away temptation, because I don't really have a motivation to. That's the problem with the whole "I don't mind being fat but let's lose some weight anyway." There's no sense of urgency.

I ended up managing to order something appropriate by thinking about how horribly cranky I was the last couple of days, and reminding myself I'd just feel that way again if I went and ate a bowl of chocolate. And then I nearly ordered dessert anyway because one of my tables did and it smelled so good. That's the problem with working in a restaurant: constant exposure to my trigger foods. I have to keep reminding myself that it makes me feel physically unwell to eat that stuff more than once every couple of weeks. It's not worth feeling like I have a boulder in my stomach. Right?

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

It would be very difficult losing weight while working in a restaurant.. but you can do it! And just keep reminding yourself how bad it makes you feel when you eat those foods.

I am giving up gluten right now.. and I have to keep reminding myself how bad I feel when I eat it... probably the only thing keeping me from it.. LOL