Friday, August 10, 2012


I think everybody sees themselves in a certain way, and that way does not always match up to reality. I know a lot of the time I'll be bouncing around on errands, grinning and feeling like I'm exuding joy*, and then I'll catch a glimpse of myself in a window and realize what I'm actually radiating is "batshit insane."
*Before I got all mopey and depressed of course.

Similarly, I know my body is perfectly capable of some things, and I forget that other people look at me and think ... not. For example, people assume because I'm fat I'm not able to play sports. I had that proved to me last night when I casually commented, "I hope I get this other job so I'll have time and money to join a volleyball team."
My dad's head swiveled around and he stared at me. "What?"
"I wanted to join the rec center volleyball team before I moved, but I was always working evenings so I couldn't."
He continued to look at me, eyebrows as high as they would go. "Excuse me?"
"What?" I looked at him blankly. "I like to play volleyball!"
"Oooookay." he pursed his lips and turned back to the Olympics. Wise man. If he had said what he was clearly thinking, from his glance at my stomach, I would have had some choice words for him.

I am perfectly capable of slapping a ball around, and even diving after one. I wouldn't be by the net because I'm short and can't jump very high, so I can't spike. But I can serve like a mofo. And I'm kind of surprised that my dad would make the assumption I'm too fat for it, honestly. The man has seen me chase dogs around his house, run endless circles around restaurants, pick up my cousins who are taller than me and swing them around, heave around furniture he said was too heavy for me, etc. etc. And yet he's shocked I expressed interest in volleyball. What must people who don't know me at all think? They must see me walking around and assume I'll start sweating and collapse at any moment! Not that I care all that much; assumptions just bug me.

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