Friday, January 28, 2011

Vitamins make me hungry; comfort food.

I took my first dose of all my vitamins last night with my dinner. Strangely, about an hour after eating, I got really hungry again. My stomach was literally growling! Happened again today. I can't imagine what it is about my vitamins that would make me hungry again so fast.

Something happened at work tonight that made me really freaking angry. The combination of already being hungry and being pissed made me start thinking evil little thoughts. Thoughts like ... "chocolate, I haven't had chocolate in weeks" and "it wouldn't hurt to order pizza, just one night of pizza wouldn't do anything" and then "I know food won't fix this but I still really really want some cake."

If I had stayed at work, I honestly don't know what I would have eaten. But I was so sick of everything in that place that I just left. I came home, albeit by a longer route because I was still debating with myself if I was stopping somewhere for something. I knew if I got home, I would be too lazy to go back out for junk. So I pointed the car home, where I ate some carrots and the half a chicken breast I had left from yesterday, and I drank some Diet Orange Crush and watched television.

I'm still royally pissed. But I don't want chocolate anymore. Or not much anyway.

I also feel like getting on the scale for some sort of 'validation', which is stupid because my worth has nothing to do with my size and that's an old fucked-up attitude talking.


Jacqui said...

good job ignoring the junk! That's interesting about the vitamins... Ive never had that happen.

Bethanny said...

I hate when my stomach growls, especially if its really quiet in the room and people are around.

Anne said...

I don't think vitamins make you hungry, to be totally honest. Often when we're 'hungry' it's really thirst. I like to keep sparkling water in the fridge and try that first when I think I'm hungry (and I've eaten properly). Almost always the water will sort out the hunger...:-)

FattyMcFatPants said...

Jacqui, I never have either! Was really weird. I didn't take them all at the same time today and it didn't happen.

Bethanny, it just makes me giggle. :) I usually boom something like "FAT GIRL MUST FEED!" (have you ever read the website about Fatmouse? Hilarious.)

Anne, I usually try water when I start feeling hungry after I've eaten recently -- and I did yesterday, too. But this was full on stomach rumbling, almost painful hunger. No idea what it was about! Didn't happen today when I took the E and multivitamin separately.

Elle said...

I'm not sure what the theory behind it is but, years ago when I used to take vitamins, I felt the same way and actually put on weight. I'm not blaming the vitamins; I'm just saying lol ! And I wasn't the only in the boat --- same thing happened with my Mom and my sis.

I stopped taking them. Not for that reason, but simply because I didn't see the use. And I don't like having to take pills daily. I'd rather eat. Hahaha