Sunday, July 22, 2012


Well, I restrained myself when I went out, despite my friend desperately trying to push chocolate mousse on me. That was good. When I got home, I decided I was going to do some cleaning and re-organizing. I did some vacuuming, then unhooked my computer. Then I saw I'd missed a spot, so I plugged the vacuum back in to the same outlet .... which lit up blue for a moment and then all the power in my living room, and half of my kitchen, died.

I about lost it. I was right on the brink of a meltdown, because the outlet my fridge was plugged in to was one that went out and I couldn't drag the fridge across the kitchen to a working outlet. It's a million degrees here lately so I thought all my food was going to spoil. I also have no tv and no internet. I was livid. If I'd had any ice cream or anything, I probably would have eaten it, even knowing it wouldn't fucking help. Luckily, I had no such things here.

I calmed down once I remembered that my dad had given me a heavy-duty extension cord, so I have that running across my kitchen now to power my fridge. Not the safest thing, but hopefully it won't be for long. I also have the world's most obnoxious coaxial cable stretched from the one port that carried my internet to an outlet in another room, so I at least have internet access. Luckily it's wireless so my laptop can pick it up.

But I'm almost certain my landlady is going to claim that nobody is available tomorrow, because she won't want to pay Sunday rates to have an electrician come out. I think it's just a blown fuse, should be pretty simple to fix; but I can't find the friggen fuse box to check. The circuit breaker, yes; but the fuse box is well-hidden. Aggravating.

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