Friday, June 17, 2011

Company came, and they brought sugar.

My biggest weapon in the fight against eating shitty food is simple avoidance. If I don't go places where it is, if I don't buy it, it won't bother me. My second strategy is simple obsession. I have to obsess and think about not eating things constantly, because otherwise I honest to god forget I'm not supposed to have any chips and salsa that are just sitting out for us at work and I start munching them without a second thought.

Well, both those went right out my window when my cousins showed up to stay for a couple of days. The combination of just enjoying hanging around them and having a good time, and of them being all "hey! let's go get ice cream! Let's make beef stroganoff for dinner!" and me being all "Whatever you want!" because I can never say no to them ... well, it ended in another two days of poor eating.

But they left today, and I took the extra junk food to work tonight, so my house is a safe zone again. Of course, I'm supposed to go to their house for a couple of days next week and they live on like 90% carbs, so .... that's a problem for next week. I need to keep that problem, to whatever extent it manifests, to those two days I'm at their house, rather than falling in to the "oh, I'm just going to eat crap on Tuesday, I might as well eat junk until then anyway!" trap. Yes. *resolve*

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