Thursday, July 26, 2012

I ran. A little bit.

Well, I did the first workout of the Couch to 5k. Sort of. I only ran the first four intervals, I walked the rest. It wasn't so much because I was too tired, although my muscles did feel a little jell-o like. Mostly it was the cramp in my right side. And the fact that I forgot the shoes I chose just plain hurt. My right Achilles' tendon and my left hamstring tightened up horribly, but felt better as soon as I took the shoes off. Never wearing those again!

I got the C25k app for my iPhone, so it was nice to have the little recorded voice telling me when the intervals changed. Made it very easy. Assuming I can motivate myself to put on a (different) pair of sneakers in a couple of days to do it again, I'll re-do the first workout. I'll keep doing it until I can do all the running intervals, and then I'll move on. Since I don't actually care about running a 5k (I don't really even know how far that is), time and distance don't really matter.

Of course, I know there's a chance that in a couple of nights I'll look at my shoes and think .... fuck that noise. Because I hate the feeling of sweat leaking out from under my hair. I hate my face feeling hot. And that rush of blood pounding in my ears, in my head? I fucking hate that. There's no sensation regarding exercise that I enjoy. Oh, there was a certain amount of satisfaction when I could lift a higher weight, not that it did me any practical good. And swimming at least didn't have the sweat and body temperature issues. But other than that I really just hate everything about exercise.


Maren said...

I think it will get better each time you try. Keep going!!

FattyMcFatPants said...

Physically yes. My hatred of exercise ... mm, I don't think so, lol. But we'll see how it goes!