Drinking enough water has been a struggle for me, mostly because of the cold. When I'm at work, I'm fine. But at home, where it's cold because I'm trying to keep my gas bill down, I don't want to be drinking ice water. And warm water hurts my teeth (weird, right? Makes drinking hot tea during a cold miserable!). So I pour myself a glass, and then it takes me a really long time to drink it. Sipping it isn't working; I might have to resort to chugging.
One of the first things I notice when I start losing weight is that my belly fat starts feeling really squishy. I generally feel softer all over. Some of it is de-bloating right at first, but I think so of it is shrinking fat cells too. It's interesting; usually my belly fat is very solid, and doesn't wiggle around when I walk. Then I get these little hollows right in front of my hip bones. And for some reason that makes my hanging fat even jigglier, I guess because there's less securing it to the fat higher up.
Had another day of not eating a whole lot; I got my protein in, and ate some carrots and kiwi because I knew I needed some produce, but I always find it difficult to eat when I'm not hungry.
Try dinking your water at room temp and from a bottle.
Thanks; but room temperature water is still warm enough to hurt my teeth. It's really annoying!
I have heard that when your fat starts feeling squishy, that means you are losing it in that area.. I think it must be true. I have noticed that on myself as well. The good news is that if you work out regularly everything will tighten up and that jiggly feeling will go away.. at least some of it and def more than if you do nothing at all. Have a good day!
Yeah, I'm losing weight and I feel 'squishy' too, know exactly what you mean!
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