Sunday, January 23, 2011

I don't know how people do it; caving to the scale; vitamin E.

Yesterday, I think I ate maybe 700 calories. I just wasn't hungry. And today, I woke up feeling absolutely terrible! Not hungry; when my blood sugar is regulated, I actually rarely get hungry. I just felt ... off, like I was getting sick. I felt run down, lethargic, generally crummy. With how I was feeling, I really don't know how people can eat that way on a daily basis -- I don't know how I did it in sixth/seventh grade (I don't know what my calorie intake was, just that I was eating once a day. I probably would have progressed to full anorexia if my mother hadn't been paying attention. Anyway.). I made sure to eat a little more today, so hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.

I dragged my scale out from under my kitchen table tonight; I guess I wanted a little reassurance. My jeans felt tighter today than they did yesterday, and because my carbs and food in general were very low I know it's not an actual gain. In fact, from a couple other physical symptoms I know I'm ovulating and that's when I start retaining water every month, so I really shouldn't have given it a second thought. But I did, and I dragged out the scale. It's the end of the day, I'm bloating, and I was wearing clothes, so I know it's not really an accurate reading--which is why I'm not updating the side bar. Still, it read 266, so at least nine pounds down in two weeks. I'm going to try not to let the curiosity get to me again for a couple more weeks.

I finally found a brand online of tocopherol/tocotrienol vitamin E, but damn is it expensive! Going to check my local vitamin store before I order it, just in case they have another brand that's not so pricey. I could get regular vitamin E, which is to say the d-alpha-tocopherol type, but it seems silly to only take half the compounds of an antioxidant.


PrettyWoman said...

Even as a morbidly obese fat chick on a mission to lose weight at the speed of light, I never went below 1200 calories. I lost 100lbs in less than 6 months.

People that are restricting themselves to 1000, 800, 700, or 600 calories a day are playng with danger. Theyll argue and tell you they know what theyre doing and that it works for them...but unless they plan to continue eating at that calorie level for the rest of their lives they are in for a rude awakening,

FattyMcFatPants said...

I agree, that low a calorie intake seems quite dangerous to me in the long-term.

Lanie said...

The poor scale. It sounds neglected. They get such a bad rap for just telling the truth, but at least the truth was great news this time. Sounds like you're making really great progress! Keep up the good work!

FattyMcFatPants said...

Thank you Lanie. I just know that in the past that number has had way too much influence on me, so I try to judge by other things!

Happy Fun Pants said...

I'm with Lanie - sounds like great progress in a short period of time. And I'm glad that 700 calories isn't your norm.