Monday, March 14, 2011

A third good day.

I wanted to eat junk all night. It was slow at work, and I was bored, and tired, and cranky. And I started thinking about the maple butter blondie, and the crunchy walnuts and super sugary sauce. I thought about how delicious it smells, and how warm and bubbly the sauce gets, and what a gooey and delicious mess it makes when it mixes with melty ice cream. And I thought that one more day might not hurt, and if I maintained while eating poorly for a whole month what was the difference?

And then I quite responsibly ordered a bunless bacon cheeseburger (and a side of vegetables that I never received for some reason). And I still freaking wanted the dessert. But instead, I had this:

And later, when a coworker told me she'd never had the blondie and said we should get one to share, I said no. And when she asked again, I said no again. Let's hear it for self-restraint.


Jacqui said...

great self-restraint! That would be tough... that looks really yummy (never had one, either), but your strawberries look good too. :)

FattyMcFatPants said...

Oh, it's reallyreally good, I nearly had one tonight too, but luckily talked myself back out of it!