Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another good day.

I once again didn't eat anything I shouldn't have today. I'm especially proud of that because my ulcer was bothering me, and eating large quantities of starchy food makes the pain go away (not sure why other than maybe it sucks up the excess stomach acid?). But I kept slowly sipping milk and waited it out. If it had been much worse I don't know if I'd've been able to; but today the side symptoms (nausea, hot flashes and cold chills, a trembly sort of exhaustion) were worse than the pain, and I could deal with it.

I even took my vitamins today!

I also realized that I may have lost a little weight last month after all; when I weighed myself the number was the same, but my period started later that day. That water retention, added to bloating from eating too much sugar, was probably a few pounds. But it'll just go toward my next weigh-in total.

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